Proxyway’s Latest Report Provides Insights into the Proxy Server Landscape

Proxyway's Latest Report Provides Insights into the Proxy Server Landscape

NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, May 15, 2024 / — According to Proxy Market Research 2024, proxy companies reported an up to 19-fold increase in proxy use. The questionnaire sent to all participants revealed that residential proxies have been the most popular proxy type for two years in a row.

Residential addresses come from real user devices connected to Wi-Fi. They are very hard to detect and, because of their rotating nature, are mostly used for web scraping purposes. The research data shows that e-commerce web scraping remains the dominant use case for proxy servers, followed by generic web scraping.

Why Read this Report?

Proxy Market Research evaluates 13 leading proxy service providers, including enterprise providers like Bright Data and Oxylabs, mid-market companies like Smartproxy, and entry-level services like Webshare.

The report provides an overview of the latest proxy market trends. It is based on Proxyway’s years of experience analyzing the market and responses from a survey sent to all participants. This year’s research also includes a section on product trends.

Proxy Market Research 2024 covers three main proxy types: residential, mobile, and rotating data center services. During the three weeks, Proxyway ran multiple tests and made millions of connection requests for each provider.

The reader can also see how each product performs with popular targets like Amazon, Google, and social media. The report graphically shows the success rate, response time, and, in the case of data center proxies, the download speed.

For those interested in the real IP pool of residential and mobile proxies, the analysis shows advertised IP pool numbers, unfiltered pool results, and IP diversity by country.

Death of center proxies

Automated data collection gives businesses a competitive edge. It allows to gather high-quality information that can be used to gain marketing insights, improve company performance, and more.

Web scraping can be done by building customized scripts or using third-party tools. In any case, proxies are a must when collecting large amounts of data because they help bypass websites’ anti-bot protection mechanisms.

The type the user chooses depends on many factors. However, some surveyed companies believe that data center proxies are coming to an end because of tightening bot protection. They no longer work with popular targets like Google, social media, or e-commerce giants like Amazon.

ISP proxies – server-hosted IPs with consumer network characteristics – could replace data center addresses because they have the best of their qualities. However, it’s hard to source quality IPs, so it will take time before they become fully-fledged replacements. Additionally, they are costly.

Proxy Market Research 2024 is publicly available on Proxyway’s website. To access it, visit:

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By Dorothy Brand